The functionHR benchmarking tool
Discover our benchmarks in our free tool.
You will see ratings on success-relevant KPIs from our representative Germany panel. Use the filter options to find the right comparison sample!

Benchmarks in HR management help to identify room for improvement in the company. There are two basic approaches to making useful comparisons: external and internal benchmarking.
Both approaches offer unique advantages, but also have their limitations. This is why functionHR’s software solution combines the external and internal view in order to generate maximum insight.
In a representative panel study, functionHR collects continuous benchmarks for all relevant KPIs and topics in HR management – worldwide. In doing so, functionHR builds a unique questionnaire that is not only characterized by validated and proven questions, but also enables an accurate self-assessment within the company due to the representative reference standards.
Discover our benchmarks in our free tool.
You will see ratings on success-relevant KPIs from our representative Germany panel. Use the filter options to find the right comparison sample!
The functionHR Benchmarking Tool
This is how you benefit from our external benchmarks as well:
If you decide to conduct a survey using our solution, you will also automatically gain access to our benchmarks. In our best-practice question catalog, you can choose from a variety of topics and questions for which representative benchmarks are already available.
Get more information about our survey solution or book a personal demo to learn more about employee surveys with functionHR.
Are you curious and want to gain some insights into the results and representative benchmarks of our panel study?
In our HR study, you will find descriptive analyses as well as exciting insights into cause-and-effect relationships. Wondering what drives your employees’ satisfaction and intention to stay?
We will be launching our benchmarking tool on this website soon. It will allow you to explore findings of the HR study and give you access to relevant benchmarks for your company.
In a representative panel study, functionHR continuously collects benchmarks for all relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) and areas within human resource management – globally. This allows functionHR to build a unique questionnaire that not only features validated and proven questions but also provides an accurate self-assessment within the company due to its representative comparison standards.
With functionHR you build up your internal benchmarking step by step. Two approaches lead to maximum knowledge gain in internal benchmarking: Learning from the best in the company and monitoring your progress over time.
While external benchmarking provides an initial anchor for comparison, you can use internal benchmarking to think about self-optimization in a long-term approach.
For example, when benchmarking externally, you find that your employees are already more satisfied compared to competitors?
This does not have to mean that there are not sections with higher and lower levels of satisfaction within your organization. functionHR’s software allows a deep dive into the organizational structure. Smart filter options thus enable intra-company comparisons.
Do you want to know whether actions taken are generating real added value?
Only with dynamic measurement over time can you gain insight into whether strategic decisions and changes in the existing process are having an effect. By setting up an internal data hub, functionHR makes progress checks possible as part of internal benchmarking.
Discover yourself, why internal benchmarking in HR should not be underestimated. This whitepaper serves as an introduction to the topic and contains all the information you need:
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More InformationExternal and internal benchmarking are valuable approaches for better understanding the results of surveys. Especially in combination, they unfold deep insights and have the potential to contribute long-term to the development of the company and human resources management. However, a necessary requirement for the setup and profitable use of benchmarks is a smart survey tool that not only combines data collection, but also data integration and analysis.
functionHR’s software as an all-in-one solution offers the perfect starting point for this. Learn more about our approach and software solutions!
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